Rios was fatally shot in the back of the head by off-duty officer Sgt. Jason Blackwelder. Officers were detaining Rios outside a Wal-Mart on suspicion of shoplifting when the teen fled into the woods. Blackwelder, who was off-duty, followed him and killed him during an alleged struggle. On September 26, 2013, Blackwelder was indicted on one count of manslaughter, one count of tampering with a government document and one count of false report to a police officer.
Victim's Name: Russell Rios
Agency Responsible: Conroe Police Department
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Race: Hispanic
Date of Death: July 31, 2013
County: Montgomery
Cause of Death: Gunshot
Official Disposition: Charged, convicted of manslaughter, Sentenced to five years probation.
Criminal Charges: Charged, Convicted, Sentenced to 5 years probation.
Mental Illness: No
Armed: Unarmed/Did Not Have an Actual Weapon
Weapon: unarmed
Off Duty: Off-Duty
Geography: Urban