Welcome to Cop Blaster!

Have you ever been less than absolutely 100% completely satisfied with law enforcement? Whether you've been brutalized, annoyed, or just disappointed, you've probably had an experience with police officers, prosecutors, judges, snitches, jails, prisons, or some part of the system that could have been better. Sign up for free and tell your story.

Community Blasts

The latest blasts posted by members of the community. The views expressed are their own.

Data Dumps

LAPD Headshots

Over 9,000 pictures of Los Angeles Police Department personnel matched with biographical data from public records. By using different datasets we may have indentified undercover officers. Stay informed with LAPD Headshots!

COVID-19 Snitches

The Coronavirus pandemic has led to a snitching epidemic in the United States. We have acquired large sets of government data identifying these snitches, who they told on, and what they said. So far we have been able to add over 10,000 posts to our database giving Cop Blaster the internet's largest Snitch List.

Killed By Police

Over 8,200 Americans have been Killed by Police since 2013 and we have their stories with over 3,000 pictures of police violence victims. This is an ongoing project for tracking law enforcement violence in the United States in a way that you too can contribute by adding comments to victims' profiles.

National Decertification Database

Cop Blaster has added a section containing profiles on over 30,000 decertified police officers in the United States. This section is separate from the main publishing service. Members can post comments about decertified officers. The Police Decertification Database was compiled from public records.

Key Features

Misconduct Reporting

Cop Blaster: Police Misconduct Reporting and Monitoring was founded primarily as a user generated collection of information published by the people and for the people. It includes many things including stories, pictures, and personal information. Registered users take full responsibility for what they publish and Cop Blaster does all it can to make sure what they say stays published, becomes easily accessible to the general public here as well as elsewhere on the web, and that your identity is kept private.

In Depth Investigations

Cop Blaster conducts in depth independent investigations on issues of public interest. We start with media research or tips from users like you and look for truths that the mainstream media ignores. In recent months we have exposed illegal government surveillance operations and the identities of disciplined officers.

Location Monitoring

If you live in America then your state already has its own Cop Blaster website. If you don't find your city then you can start your own Cop Blaster website for your town just by signing up for a membership and writing your first report. This gives Cop Blaster the ability to help citizens mobilize in any local area.

Latest Comments

Donald Trump seems to still be in the "I'm not a real criminal" phase all first time felons go through. After nearly being assassinated, he was quick to thank law enforcement for protecting him (https://truthsocial.com/realDonaldTrump/posts/112782066045321247). It is not uncommon for first time felons to harbor pro law enforcement sentiment after conviction if they don't do any time. Trump clearly relies on law enforcement for his safety and continues to voice his support for them despite being a victim himself.

Hopefully he will realize that to earn the felon vote he can't go around praising police officers.

Look trashy *****, stop pointing the finger and smutting up good people.

Your most likely the snitch because your calling him one without proof.

Your dumb as **** he helps you out and in return you spread lies about Frank Edwards.

Shut your ***** *** up u LAME!!!

We can expose the rats they're always the ones running around the corners pooping everywhere they go even where they eat

We can expose the rats they're always the ones running around the corners pooping everywhere they go even where they eat