Kevin Close Killed by Seagoville Police Department

Blast Zone No. 32484 - 1 Comment
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Category: Police - City
Old Crime Scene Address:
600 Fran St
Mapping Police Violence:

Close was shot dead after allegedly charging at police from his home with a baseball bat and a poker. Officers had arrived in response to a 911 call in which Close reportedly said he was murdering someone. Police said they found Close's girlfriend bludgeoned to death inside the house.

Victim's Name: Kevin Close

Agency Responsible: Seagoville Police Department

Gender: Male

Age: 50

Race: White

Date of Death: November 28, 2015

County: Dallas

Cause of Death: Gunshot

Criminal Charges: No known charges

Mental Illness: Unknown

Armed: Allegedly Armed

Weapon: baseball bat and fireplace poker

Threat Level: other

Fleeing: Not fleeing

Body Camera: No

Washington Post Database ID: 1040

Geography: Rural

SabrinaFlowe Says:

The family was denied his death certificate and access to his belongings for over a year after his death. The officer who shot him was forced to retire after the shooting but then allowed to return back to work a short time later. Police never investigated the death of his girlfriend as they just laid blame on Kevin although there was proof he was not at home when she was killed, and had in fact just arrived home from work moments before police arrived. According to a source Kevin was alive in the ambulance and was in tears because he didn't know she was dead! The girlfriend had her adult son living in the home and neighbors reported hearing an argument and seeing her ex husband leaving the home before Kevin arrived home.

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