Tamara Seidle Killed by Neptune Police Department

Blast Zone No. 32856 - 0 Comments
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Category: Police - City
Old Crime Scene Address:
1600 Sewall Ave
Mapping Police Violence:

Seidle was fatally shot by her ex-husband and Neptune police officer Philip Seidle, who rammed his ex-wife's car with his own vehicle and fired several fatal rounds at her in front of the couple's 7-year-old daughter. Philip Seidle is being held on $2 million bail.

Victim's Name: Tamara Seidle

Agency Responsible: Neptune Police Department

Gender: Female

Age: 51

Race: White

Date of Death: June 16, 2015

County: Monmouth

Cause of Death: Gunshot

Official Disposition: Charged, Convicted of aggravated manslaughter and child endangerment, Sentenced to 30 years in prison

Criminal Charges: Charged, Convicted, Sentenced to 30 years in prison

Mental Illness: No

Armed: Unarmed/Did Not Have an Actual Weapon

Weapon: unarmed

Off Duty: Off-Duty

Geography: Suburban

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