Jack Jacquez Jr. Killed by Rocky Ford Police Department

Blast Zone No. 33295 - 0 Comments
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Category: Police - City
Old Crime Scene Address:
400 N. Third St
Mapping Police Violence:

Jacquez returned home with his skateboard around 2:30 am, reportedly after babysitting. Officer James Ashby, 41, allegedly broke down the front door, entered, and proceeded to argue with Jacquez. Witness Sara Lindenmuth states that when Jacquez' back was turned, Ashby shot him twice and then maced or pepper sprayed him while he lay dying on the floor. She also states that when Jacquez' mother tried to call 911, Ashby threw her phone against the wall. Ashby is currently facing a 2nd degree murder charge.

Victim's Name: Jack Jacquez Jr.

Agency Responsible: Rocky Ford Police Department

Gender: Male

Age: 27

Race: Hispanic

Date of Death: October 12, 2014

County: Otero

Cause of Death: Gunshot

Official Disposition: Charged, Convicted

Criminal Charges: Charged, Convicted, Sentenced to 16 years in prison

Mental Illness: No

Armed: Unarmed/Did Not Have an Actual Weapon

Weapon: unarmed

Geography: Rural

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