Wesley Kyle Swilling Killed by Greenville County Sheriff's Office

Blast Zone No. 34297 - 0 Comments
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Category: Police - County
Old Crime Scene Address:
20 McGee Street
Mapping Police Violence:

Swilling was in the Law Enforcement Center parking lot and approached an officer and deputy in a “threatening manner” with what appeared to be a weapon. Fearing for their safety, they both shot at Swilling, hitting him at least once. Swilling fell down, but continued to approach them, so they took cover behind a vehicle and both fired again, hitting him at least once more. Swilling was pronounced dead at the scene. After further investigation, it was revealed that Swilling was "armed" with a hot glue gun.

Victim's Name: Wesley Kyle Swilling

Agency Responsible: Greenville County Sheriff's Office

Gender: Male

Age: 31

Race: Unknown race

Date of Death: January 14, 2013

County: Greenville

Cause of Death: Gunshot

Official Disposition: Justified

Criminal Charges: No known charges

Mental Illness: No

Armed: Unclear

Weapon: hot glue gun

Geography: Suburban

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