Bob Songer the killing of cougars, Bear, wolves, against federal laws

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People of klickitat county, you need to stand up against Bob songer and his side kicks, the killing of cougars and Bear, Songer only convinced the couch potatoes convincing them they are dangerous, this county has more turkey and deer than any county in Washington state, the killing of wolf is supported by songer, and anyone who kills Bob will protect, Bob threatened FBI to stay out of county, only to protect his secret actions, Bob's friends run around in secluded areas in old tanks ,running around with high powered guns shooting at targets, cougar hunters high as as a kite, had one show up on my property , no teeth and had the meth look, all the suspicious deaths?? The girl in trout lake and the cover up, Janice Smith her boyfriend shot in front of her, missing people in hood river? Possi members filling the court room so Sherrif controlling court, not computer picked? People wake up! Missing documents in sheriff department, taking advantage of the elderly and terrifying them, please People, report everything to your governor office, does no good to call 911 in klickitat if they want your land and belongings, they will be sold for fundraising

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