Saldije12's Blasts

Cop Blaster Blast Zones set up by Saldije12

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1/19/2023 - This is Jessica Saldierna formerly Uzzell who was married to the original poster Zachary David Uzzell. Zach has an unhealthy obsession with revenge & will go to any lengths to fulfill his tantrums. My son & I were victims of domestic violence while married to Zach. I can vouch that he is mentally unstable,violent &erratic. All these accusations that he is pinning on Mark he also accused his now deceased brother,& friends of as well. Once Zach falls out with someone he will try to fabricate anything he can to make the world feel the same. I have found books & altars of satanic worship along with letters of him asking for his idols to take myself & my son up as an offering to fulfill his wishes of fame greed &death on others. I wish him no harm but that he gets the help he truly needs

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