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8/16/2022 - I might also question

Section 15. Foundation principles of
criminal law. Laws for the punishment of
crime shall be founded on these principles:
protection of society, personal responsibility,
accountability for ones actions and reforma-

How does allowing police to lie protect us, or further personal responsibility and accountability for one's actions? What manner of "reformation" is this?
8/16/2022 - Oregon State Constitution:

Section 10. Administration of justice.
No court shall be secret, but justice shall be
administered, openly and without purchase,
completely and without delay, and every man
shall have remedy by due course of law for
injury done him in his person, property, or

Section 20. Equality of privileges and
immunities of citizens. No law shall be
passed granting to any citizen or class of
citizens privileges, or immunities, which,
upon the same terms, shall not equally be-
long to #all citizens#.

The Oregon Constitution provides for protection of an individuals reputation against the machinations of the state, and also explicitly states that there shall be no class privilege granted to any citizen over any other

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