Multnomah County Deputy Timothy Barker Broke My Arm Intentionally

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Statement of Deputy Timothy Barker:

On June 28, 1017 I was assaulted by Multnomah County Sheriff's Deputies and my arm was broken. The deputies involved were Timothy Barker, Matthew Ingram, Wendy Muth, Paul Simpson, Phillip Hubert, David Kovachevich, and Timothy Moore.

The worst offenders were Barker and Ingram. Barker for twisting my left arm so hard that my humerus (the big bone above the elbow) broke into two pieces, while I was face down on a mattress with Ingram on top of my shoulders and Barker on my back. Ingram was calling the shots and kept shoving my head down while I struggled for air. I kept saying "I can't breathe" but they considered my ability to speak proof of ability to breathe. After Barker broke my arm Ingram said, "I run this ******* jail not you" before leaving me in agony. I was taken to the hospital shortly there after.

The assault was in retaliation for threats I had made to post information about them on this website. Some of the lies told to justify themselves began with Uwe Pemberton's incident report the night of the incident in which he falsely accused me of threatening to put out a hit on medical technicial Erika Barker. It is common for guards to falsely accuse inmates of making physical threats towards guards after excessive force is used. Pemberton's report never accused me of assault, but the next day, after learning that my arm was broken, the other deputies began filing reports accusing me of assaulting them.

It wasn't until a few weeks later that I found out out that Multnomah County Deputy Timothy Barker and medical technician Erika Barker are a married couple working at the Multnomah County Detention Center (MCDC). This was a shock to me because at over 300 pounds Timmy is a big dude, so big I could barely breathe with him on my back. I couldn't help wondering how she could do it. How could she breathe with Timmy on top of her. If I can't do it how can a small woman?

After that Timmy falsely accused me of assaulting him in an effort to thwart any future lawsuit. It did not work and I sued them anyway.

Now to be fair, Erika did falsely accuse me of threatening to put out a hit on her. If that were true it still would not justify breaking my arm. Still, I don't know if Erika ever told Timmy the truth and I can see a guy under the impression that someone just threatened to kill his wife feeling a certain kind of way about that.

Now, I know that I might not be taken as seriously for posting this picture, but I could not find pictures of Barker online and this really is the closest image I could find to his real likeness. Remember he is a cop that ways over 300 lbs.

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