Someone Told on The Yakima Area Arboretum-Non profit organization in Yakima

Blast Zone No. 15001 - 0 Comments
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By: StayHome
Category: Snitches - Cop Callers
Last Known Other Address:
1401 arboretum dr
Washington Coronavirus Snitches:

"The grounds of the Yakima area arboretum have continued to be open, this area is roughly the size of a golf course which is deemed non essential then viewing trees and plants should fall in to the same category. The main attraction there is a Japanese garden with handrails lining the paths which are not disinfected and the majority of visitors pass through and surely use these creating a high risk for covid-19 transmission. This arboretum is also in very close proximity to yakima large homeless camp who should be sheltering in place yet are seen daily all about the arboretum and loiter in high traffic areas such as benches. Their readerboard is even encouraging people to visit which just seems ludicrous at a time like this. Someone needs to tell them the trees can wait until we beat this. They also have a small parking lot which is again another close contact area where on weekends when it gets busy it can be difficult to maintain social distancing guidelines." -

The aforementioned complaint was filed in Yakima, Washington on Tuesday April 7, 2020 with No Agency against The Yakima Area Arboretum-Non profit organization saying Non-essential business is open. Email address given was and phone number given was .

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