Concerned citizen trying to stay healthy Snitched on Safran Cabin, Inc. in Newport

Blast Zone No. 16156 - 0 Comments
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By: StayHome
Category: Snitches - Cop Callers
Last Known Other Address:
501 N. Newport Ave.
Washington Coronavirus Snitches:

"Safran Cabin, Inc. has scheduled employees to return to work on April 27th, a week early, violating the Governor's Stay at Home order. Employees are nervous about returning early... to make airplane cabin parts. Boeing is shut down and they are Safran's biggest customer, so why risk it? Do they have permission to do this? If so, someone lied to make it happen.I prefer to remain anonymous, as I am a spouse of an employee who has been told to return." - Concerned citizen trying to stay healthy

The aforementioned complaint was filed by Concerned citizen trying to stay healthy in Newport, Washington on Thursday April 23, 2020 with No Agency against Safran Cabin, Inc. saying Non-essential business is open. Email address given was and phone number given was .

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