Cop Blaster Now Has Records of Over 30,000 Decertified Police Officers

Blast Zone No. 173 - 0 Comments
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Portland, Oregon 97286 has acquired records of over 30,000 police officers that have been decertifed. The records were obtained by locating a data-dump of police decertification records and importing the data into the database. Users can now browse the database and search by state, agency name, and officer name. The data is current as of April 2019. It has all been verified by traditional media outlets and public records. This data is important because despite being decertified so called "gypsy cops" have been able to find law enforcement work in other jurisdictions. By increasing the web visibility of this data we hope to alert potential employers of their histories.

By acquiring this data Cop Blaster has been able to do something that previous possessors have not done. We have made it available in a format that creates bookmarkable URLs for every officer, agency, and state. This makes it available to major internet search engines so that other departments that do internet searches for the decertified officers will hopefully find them.

Users can currently add comments to any decertified officer profile just like they can to any Cop Blaster Blast Zone.

In the future we intend to add a feature that allows users to add images and detailed descriptions to the decertified officer profiles kindof like a wiki.

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