Someone Told on Overlake Medical Center in Bellevue

Blast Zone No. 17487 - 0 Comments
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By: StayHome
Category: Snitches - Cop Callers
Last Known Other Address:
1035 116th Ave NE
Washington Coronavirus Snitches:

"NONESSENTIAL departments and clinics at the hospital continued as normal. Example: outpatient clinics (urology, diagnostic imaging, etc.) These departments and clinics are not related to emergency department, and put workers at INCREASED risk and are in fact spreading Covid. Social distancing measure were NOT in place in the general workspace (coworkers WITHOUT masks must work at computer stations adjacent to each other - not 6 feet a part). Recommendation - these nonessential clinics should close to reduce exposure to employees and patients!" -

The aforementioned complaint was filed in Bellevue, Washington on Monday March 30, 2020 with L&I DOSH Nathan Kresse against Overlake Medical Center saying Non-essential business is open. Email address given was and phone number given was .

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