Lori Briggs Snitched on Bloomer Estates Vacation Rentals in Seaview

Blast Zone No. 20105 - 0 Comments
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By: StayHome
Category: Snitches - Cop Callers
Last Known Other Address:
4910 Pacific Way
Washington Coronavirus Snitches:

"Vacation rentals still be rented to people traveling into the area of Long Beach Peninsula from other parts of Washington, Oregon and elsewhere. We are a small community with a small hospital and do not need vacationers visiting during this time. We are all working hard to do Stay Home, Stay Healthy so should these people. There is nothing open here to visit or see during this time of crisis. Their website addresses there is situation and their need to explain how isolated their rentals are. Renters still need to purchase food and gas which requires interaction that would not otherwise happen. They need to STAY HOME!" - Lori Briggs

The aforementioned complaint was filed by Lori Briggs in Seaview, Washington on Friday April 10, 2020 with Essential Business against Bloomer Estates Vacation Rentals saying Non-essential business is open. Email address given was lkbriggs2014@live.com and phone number given was 2537971995.

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