Deputy Daryl Hochderffer Admited to Stealing Inmate Newspapers

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Daryl Hochderffer Admits to Theft:

Daryl Hochderffer, a corrections deputy at the Multnomah County Detention Center (MCDC) admitted to stealing inmate newspapers in 2017 by refusing to deliver them to inmates in disciplinary segregation. His stated reason was a draconian part of the inmate manual that stated inmates in disciplinary segregation were not allowed newspapers. This rule was draconian and as far as this author knows only enforced by Hochderffer at that time. It is draconian because despite jails and prisons losing legal cases in which identical policies have been challenged, that rule remains in the rule book at MCDC.

Hochderffer's behavior is similar to that of the Columbia County Sheriff when Prison Legal News filed a lawsuit against a prohibition on non-postcard correspondence. See Oregon District Court case number 3:12-cv-00071-SI in which "Sheriff Dickerson credibly testified that he did not know that the First Amendment required the Jail to allow inmates to receive magazines when he took office in 2009" and Judge Michael Simon ruled, "that inmates have a First Amendment right to receive magazines and that it would be unconstitutional for Defendants to refuse to deliver magazines to inmates solely because they are magazines," despite this it appears that the MCDC policy has not been updated to reflect the fact that you cannot deny an inmate a newspaper on the grounds that it is a newspaper. Maybe nobody thought to update it because nobody enforces it for the most part. Hochderffer seems to be the only one.

On another note Hochderffer has a history of fabricating incident reports against inmates. This author found that out in 2017 after having acquired a large number of syrofoam cups, filling them with water, and placing them on the floor in front of the unit door. The situation forced Hochderffer to choose between staying out of the unit, picking up each up one by one to avoid making a mess, or making a mess. He not only filed an incident report but without any evidence called the water toilet water.

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