Sharon Brown's Claim That Nancy Ronan Discontinued Mobic Due to Advil

Blast Zone No. 2242 - 0 Comments
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Category: Corrections - Jail Staff
Last Known Jail Address:
901 Port Ave.
St Helens, Oregon 97051

I received a notice from RN Sharon Brown at the Columbia County Jail saying that Nancy Ronan discontinued my Mobic because I had made up for inadequate pain management by buying ibuprofen from the commissary. The problem with this conclusion is that I was only being given half of the maximum dosage of Mobic, I was never before told that mixing the two could be a problem, and even after I stopped buying ibuprofen they still cited my previous purchase as why I could not get Mobic again. Mobic is a NSAID just like ibuprofen but much stronger and needed by people experiencing worse pain than that which ibuprofen can manage. Sharon and Nancy should have just given me Mobic with a directive not to buy ibuprofen and possibly a directive to the commissary not to sell me ibuprofen.

The message from Nurse Sharon Brown said, "Mr. Sullivan your Mobic was discontinued by the provider because you are buying ibuprofen on commissary which mixed with the pain protocol exceeds the safe level of NSAIDs. We are unable to continue the Mobic with you taking ibuprofen."

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