Portland Stabber Blake David Hampe Has Child Porn Conviction

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Portland, Oregon 97204
Blake Hampe's Sex Offender Paperwork:

Blake David Hampe is a convicted sex offender with a prior federal conviction for child pornography. You can view some of his sex offender paperwork in the PDF uploaded with this article. Hampe was caught on camera stabbing a Trump supporter last night at a Black Lives Matter protest in Portland, Oregon. Upon further review of the tape it does look like that Trump supporter, who goes by the online handle Black Rebel, was physically harassing Hampe just before the stabbing, and it is likely that Hampe may have feared for his safety due to that harassment, but the courts in Multnomah County have recently ruled that such harassment is not grounds for a self defense claim.

Earlier this year a jury convicted Jeremy Joseph Christian of murder and assault for stabbing three men on a max train in 2017. Jeremy Christian had a much better argument for self defense than Hampe does because Christian had been thrown on the ground and into a seat with another person in it by Micah Fletcher before he stabbed Fletcher and two other men in the neck (https://copblaster.com/blast/3373/cell-phone-video-supports-jeremy-christians-self-defense-claim). We thought that Christian had a valid self-defense claim with regards to Fletcher because Fletcher had thrown Christian on the ground while telling him to "get off the max" and in so doing committed a felony against Christian by telling him to leave the train. The felony in that case being coercion on the grounds that Fletcher had no legal right to kick Christian off the train and therefore was deliberately placing him in fear of physical injury for the purpose of compelling him to do something he had a legal right to abstain from doing, which was leave the train. Christian we felt had a valid argument that he was defending himself from a violent felony being committed against his person by Fletcher (https://copblaster.com/blast/3385/micah-fletcher-admits-committing-a-felony-against-jeremy-christian), but that the argument did not extend to the stabbing of Ricky Best, whom Christian himself admits did nothing to him. Our position was that because of Fletcher's conduct and Christian's dual diagnosis (Autism and PTSD) that the appropriate verdict in that case would have been manslaughter (https://copblaster.com/blast/3397/jeremy-christian-found-guilty-of-manslaughter-should-be-the-verdict). We also thought that Christian's life sentence failed to account for his diminished mental capacity and runs the risk of creating some really bad law for people with developmental disabilities accused of violent crimes in Oregon (https://copblaster.com/blast/25804/jeremy-christian-sentencing-lwop-fails-to-consider-diminshed-capacity). We believe that so long as the conviction and sentence of Christian stands that Hampe has no valid self defense claim.

The fact that Hampe is a sex offender, that his sex crime involved children, and that Hampe is an Anitfa supporter are three strikes guaranteed to make his time in prison hell or a trip to hell. From what we know of the state prison system, sex offenders including child molesters are only allowed to live in general population if they pay protection money known as "rent" to white supremacist gangs that run the state prisons. We believe that because Hampe is an Antifa supporter that he surely hates white supremacists and that feeling is surely mutual. We believe that he will be a marked man in prison, especially if he is sent to the same prison as Jeremy Christian. Christian follows the news very closely, so if he does not have his name written down already he will soon. We know Jeremy, so it would not be hard for us to make sure Jeremy is waiting for Hampe by the time he goes up state.

Lastly, we feel that the Antifa medics that treated Black Rebel before the police arrived are far better examples of the Antifa movement than the weirdo dressed like them last night. Those medics honored their Hippocratic oath by caring for someone even though they surely hate his views. That is a perfect example of the good prevailing over evil. The PDX Bail Fund has not bailed Hampe out, probably because their purpose is for bailing out peaceful demonstrators and not violent sexual predators.

Here is his information from the jail website:

SWIS ID: 824866

Name: Hampe, Blake David

Age: 43

Gender: Male

Race: White

Height: 5 ft 11 in

Weight: 140 lbs

Hair: Blonde

Eyes: Blue

Arresting Agency: Portland Police, Central Precinct

Booking Date: 07/25/2020 05:58 AM

Assigned Facility: MCDC

Projected Release Date: Unknown

This guy only got probation for stabbing a man on camera while other people convicted during that era were sent to prison for as much as 10 years just for shooting paintballs at people during similar protests. Learn more https://www.oregonlive.com/crime/2023/07/man-who-knifed-conservative-videographer-at-portland-protest-gets-probation.html

Also, sex offenders are almost always snitches, but we are not aware of Hampe ever snitching on anyone specifically, so he is not being categorized as such at this time. The reason we say that sex offenders are usually snitches is that they request protective custody and usually tell on whoever kicks them out of general population. They will say stuff like "that guy threatened to smash me if I did not leave the unit" or "those guys beat me up because they do not want me here."

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