Earnest Fells Killed by Selma Police Department

Blast Zone No. 32044 - 0 Comments
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Category: Police - City
Old Crime Scene Address:
700 King St
Mapping Police Violence:

Officers responded to a domestic violence incident at a residence. Selma police said family members had notified a 911 operator that the suspect had shot their mother. Officers heard gunfire coming from the residence upon arrival. Officers were trying to enter the residence when the suspect fired shots at them. Officers returned fire, killing Fells.

Victim's Name: Earnest Fells

Agency Responsible: Selma Police Department

Gender: Male

Age: 63

Race: Black

Date of Death: July 7, 2016

County: Dallas

Cause of Death: Gunshot

Official Disposition: Pending investigation/No Known Charges

Criminal Charges: No known charges

Mental Illness: No

Armed: Allegedly Armed

Weapon: gun

Threat Level: attack

Fleeing: Not fleeing

Body Camera: Yes

Washington Post Database ID: 1699

Geography: Suburban

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