Knoxville Police Officer Coy Tucker Arrested for Stalking Woman

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Knoxville Police officer Coy Tucker was arrested for aggravated stalking earlier this week. He is accused of making repeated unwanted contact with a woman between May 28th and August 8th by following her, approaching her in public, approaching her in private, showing up at her place of work, showing up at her residence, trespassing on her property, making threatening phone calls, and sending threatening text messages. On July 30th he was placed on administrative leave. We are not sure if the leave is paid or unpaid.

Tucker is a former school resource officer. He was assigned to West High School for the 2020-21 school year. That position has been reassigned to a different officer. We do not know if the victim in this case was a student or if he committed any crimes against students. Parents should talk to their children just in case.

According to public records, Coy Lee Tucker II is a 34 year old resident of Knoxville, Tennessee with no prior criminal history. He does have a history of registering to vote both as a Republican and an independent.

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