Clinton Tine Brinkerhoff

Blast Zone No. 59211 - 1 Comment
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Category: Police - City
Last Known Other Address:
Kanab, Utah 84741

Clinton Tine Brinkerhoff, Kanab Police Departments K9 handler was arrested on July 29, 2022 on charges involving domestic violence and charged with the following: 1st degree felony discharge of a firearm; 3rd degree felony possession of a dangerous weapon by a restricted person; and Class A misdemeanor possession or use of a controlled substance. Brinkerhoff accepted a plea agreement in which he was allowed to enter a plea in abeyance to amended charges 1. 3rd degree felony(reduced from 1st degree) Discharge of a firearm; 2. 3rd degree felony possession of a dangerous weapon by a restricted person (as charged) the remaining count of drug Possession was dismissed. Brinkerhoff was placed on unsupervised probation for 18 months through a private probation provider at the end of which all charges will be dismissed per the plea in abeyance. Also note the domestic violence enhancement in original charging documents was removed from the information. Kane County Attorney Rob Van Dyke recused himself citing conflict of interest, as was appropriate, and the case was assigned to Washington County Prosecutor, Glen Cella. However the case was handled in it's entirety by 6th district Judge Mandy Larsen who has been the judge in cases which Brinkerhoff was the arresting officer. Of special importance in this case is the fact that the entire Court proceedings in this case took place in one single hearing that lasted just under 4 minutes from initial appearance through sentencing. Brinkerhoffs employment with Kanab PD was terminated and this writer has heard that although Brinkerhoff is on probation, he is currently employed by the Kane County Sheriffs Office in Kanab. These rumors have not been confirmed as of 4-6-2023

Claycool02 Says:

Still a cop with Kanab PD 7/23

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