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This User's Active Comments

8/26/2020 - Jesus are you really standing by the "the chase happened first, actually" narrative? It's been summarily disproven by video evidence and numerous witness accounts. The fight in the street happens AFTER he murders a man for vandalizing a car.

When did this become some bootlicking propaganda outlet? No ones going to even drop an edit or update? Dude possessed the rifle illegally, was out past curfew after having transported it across state lines, cosplayed as a ******* cop while receiving the praise and blessing of riot cops, he MURDERS a dude over property damage (property that didn't even BELONG to the murderer, by the way), shoots MORE people while attempting to evade apprehension for the initial murder, escapes with the cops assistance, and you fuckwits are DEFENDING him? Insane
8/26/2020 - Jesus are you really standing by the "the chase happened first, actually" narrative? It's been summarily disproven by video evidence and numerous witness accounts. The fight in the street happens AFTER he murders a man for vandalizing a car.

When did this become some bootlicking propaganda outlet? No ones going to even drop an edit or update? Dude possessed the rifle illegally, was out past curfew after having transported it across state lines, cosplayed as a ******* cop while receiving the praise and blessing of riot cops, he MURDERS a dude over property damage (property that didn't even BELONG to the murderer, by the way), shoots MORE people while attempting to evade apprehension for the initial murder, escapes with the cops assistance, and you fuckwits are DEFENDING him? Insane

This User's Active Decertified Cop Descriptions

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