BSWG1118's Blasts

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12/24/2020 - Danial Allan Gunnels was my father... I appreciate whoever posted this, I would love to reach you personally, or anyone. I just wanted to say that NO ACTION was taken after his death regarding the assault OR the TOTAL LACK of medical attention by the CO's/medical staff. I dont particurlarly hold the inmate responsible. The prison witheld information, changed documentation, lied to our faces, refused to let us see him before/after he ACTUALLY passed. The prison and system are 100% responsible for his death. He knew it was going to happen and I'll never forget the desperation in his voice the last time we spoke. But if you knew him, he wouldn't have gone out any other way, and the cops ALWAYS hated him! He told me he wasn't coming out of Victorville alive and he was right. All My Love Dad!

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