Greenghost's Blasts

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This User's Active Comments

9/1/2020 - Joe and his 4 siblings were abandoned in the state of Arizona when he was 14. Father was in prison and mother was a meth addict. Joe was in and out of every shelter, foster home, detention, treatment center available during his legal status of a minor. The trauma inflicted on Joe by his horrible birth parents could never be undone and he became nothing more than a criminal. Thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours were spent trying to support and help Joe with therapy, education, housing and support. Unfortunately, he never wanted any of it.
8/31/2020 - Joe and his 4 siblings were abandoned in the state of Arizona when he was 14. Father was in prison and mother was a meth addict. Joe was in and out of every shelter, foster home, detention, treatment center available during his legal status of a minor. The trauma inflicted on Joe by his horrible birth parents could never be undone and he became nothing more than a criminal. Thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours were spent trying to support and help Joe with therapy, education, housing and support. Unfortunately, he never wanted any of it.

This User's Active Decertified Cop Descriptions

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