So Called Kenosha "Victim" Joseph Rosenbaum was a Sex Offender

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When we first defended Kyle Rittenhouse on self defense grounds we had no idea that he did the world a favor, but today we found out that the first guy he shot was a convicted sex offender. Joseph D. Rosenbaum was convicted of sexual contact with a minor in Arizona in 2002. We don't know the age of the child he molested, but whatever he did was bad enough to earn him a profile on the Wisconsin Department of Corrections Sex Offender Registry despite nearly two decades elapsing since his conviction. As the above screenshot shows he was subject to lifetime sex offender registration and was in non-compliance status.

You might be wondering why an anti-cop website that advocates for convicts would advocate against Rosenbaum. It is because we only advocate for good convicts that do not have anything wrong their paperwork. Anyone with a history of sex crimes or snitching in their paperwork has bad paperwork, so we do not advocate for them.

Child molesters are beyond redemption, so we sincerely hope that Black Lives Matter and Antifa cease and desist from providing Rosenbaum with any support in the future. It is not possible for a child molester to be a hero even if Rittenhouse had not been defending himself. If a convict had done a good job putting in work on Rosenbaum years ago he would have saved the life of the skateboarder that Rittenhouse also shot in self defense after he tried to hit him with his skateboard.

This is a good example of why sex offenders get stabbed in prison. They get stabbed because men that are not beyond redemption see an opportunity to redeem themselves by protecting society from sex offenders. Will Anitfa want to make Rosenbaum a martyr so bad that they will tolerate someone with his history? The recent bailout of a sex offender in Portland suggests that they might (see

Does this make Rittenhouse a hero? No, Rittenhouse is not a hero because he did not know that Rosenbaum was a sex offender when he shot him. Had he known and shot him for that reason he would be a hero.

UPDATE: The Wisconsin Sex Offender Registry website has deleted Joseph Rosenbaum's profile. We assume that is because he is deceased. We have changed the link to his disciplinary records at the Arizona Department of Corrections where he served time for several years after his 2002 conviction for sexual contact with a minor. Judging by his disciplinary record he did his time like weirdo. The Assault on Staff Throwing Substances charge is usually the kind of write up given people for throwing feces or urine on staff. Poop bombers are considered weirdos just like sex offenders under the inmate code of acceptable conduct and the punishment for such conduct is to be treated like a sex offender (beat up, run off the yard, etc.).

UPDATE: After learning that Rosenbaum was sentenced to 10 years for sexual contact with a minor in 2002, we wanted to know how old the victim was, so we looked at the statute he violated along with the Arizona Sentencing Guidelines and concluded that had the victim been more that 15 years old that a 10 year sentence would exceed the maximum sentence allowed under the law. The statute draws a clear line at the age of 15 where the crime is a class 6 felony if the victim is over 15 and a class 2 felony if the victim is under 15. His sentence, the fact that he had to register for the rest of his life, and the fact that when he was released he picked up a charge for tampering with a monitoring device all indicate that the crime of conviction was a class 2 felony.

Somebody Tweeted what they say is part of Rosenbaum's 2002 Pre-sentence Report. We have yet to verify its authenticity, but if it is authentic then this guy was a real predator. Reader discretion advised, the language is really graphic.

Daniidecay - The second group was attacking him because they saw him running and were told that he shot someone and to "get him," but they did not know the context of the first shooting. That is why we said that Anthony Huber died thinking he was doing the right thing because he obviously thought he was helping catch a murderer and didn't realize that the kid was just defending himself.

Daniidecay Says:

I was under the impression that the second man he shot was attacking him because he witnessed Rosenbaum being shot, is that still the case or do I have the wrong information?

Greenghost Says:

Joe and his 4 siblings were abandoned in the state of Arizona when he was 14. Father was in prison and mother was a meth addict. Joe was in and out of every shelter, foster home, detention, treatment center available during his legal status of a minor. The trauma inflicted on Joe by his horrible birth parents could never be undone and he became nothing more than a criminal. Thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours were spent trying to support and help Joe with therapy, education, housing and support. Unfortunately, he never wanted any of it.

Greenghost Says:

Joe and his 4 siblings were abandoned in the state of Arizona when he was 14. Father was in prison and mother was a meth addict. Joe was in and out of every shelter, foster home, detention, treatment center available during his legal status of a minor. The trauma inflicted on Joe by his horrible birth parents could never be undone and he became nothing more than a criminal. Thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours were spent trying to support and help Joe with therapy, education, housing and support. Unfortunately, he never wanted any of it.

Joseph Rosenbaum received a 10 year sentence for sexual contact with a minor and although we don't know the specifics we do know that they don't just hand out 10 year sentences to first time offenders like candy.

If he was just an 18 year old with a 17 year old girlfriend like people are saying, he would not have gotten 10 years for that, especially as a first timer.

CockBlaster - According to Arizona DOC he did his time like a weirdo. Throwing "substances" at correctional officers, which in most prison systems means throwing feces or urine. He also did what appears to be 7 years straight plus a violation at some point. That is way more time than anyone does just for being 18 with a 16 or 17 year old girlfriend. On top of that he had to register for life.

CockBlaster Says:

That's ******** and you shouldn't be celebrating his death. The guy died at the age of 36 which means that in 2002 he was 18 ******* years old. Since you don't know the age of the supposed victim one can assume that this may have been a high school girl he was dating. After all you are ******* 18 years old before you graduate from HS so quite possibly he got screwed over that way. You know that ******** happens. It's disgusting to suggest that he sought some girls much much younger than him when you have no evidence.

Just noticed a screenshot on Twitter of a great comment someone made about this guy:

"He died doing what he loved. Chasing Minors." - Chad Johnson

mouse - Thanks for that link. That just might keep people from falsely accusing me of lying about his history. The media is already trying to make Rittenhouse look like a terrorist just to satisfy a political agenda and that is really messed up.

Some of the people connected with this Anitfa movement have straight up told me that they don't mind putting people in prison if it furthers the anti-fascist cause. I'm against fascism and I support their efforts to defund the police and hold them accountable when they use excessive force on people. Rittenhouse was by all accounts a wannabe cop bootlicker, but that does not justify charging him with crimes he did not commit.

mouse Says:

Here is his Arizona prison record. It should backup the screen shots. It's also been archived on the wayback machine

mouse - I noticed the problem too, seems they deleted him from the registry after his death. I can vouch for his status though. I took the screenshot of it and other sites have it too. I say it on Andy Ngo's Twitter page. Andy Ngo is a lame but he has interesting information sometime.

mouse Says:

Any idea why your link to the sex offender listing isn't working?

LoriLynn3 - You are absolutely correct. I saw a video of him screaming that earlier in the evening. I don't know exactly what he was doing or why.

I mistook the plastic bag for a Molotov cocktail at first also. The angle of the first video and the way the light reflected off the plastic kind of looked like fire and the video was really blurry.

The videos also show Rosenbaum charging at Rittenhouse and Rittenhouse running away as fast as he could. Rittenhouse's reasons for being in Kenosha became irrelevant at that point. He was being pursued by a hostile sex offender and he waited until his only options were to shoot or let Rosenbaum have his way with him. That is self defense.

LoriLynn3 Says:

Joseph rosenbaum is being known as the sex offender guy that was screaming shoot me ni**a.

Based on those words. He was not on the side of the people protesting the shooting of Jacob Blake. This man also looks to be the person that threw the plastic bag with some garbage in it. That looked like a Molotov cocktail.

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