ThatDudeInTheDerby's Blasts

Cop Blaster Blast Zones set up by ThatDudeInTheDerby

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This User's Active Comments

9/3/2020 - Here's the thing. She's a homophobe. Don't believe me? She uses "Gay" as a slur against cops. No self-respecting person who genuinely supports the LGBTQ community would stoop that low. She's also not legitimate press, no matter what she says. She's a Twitch Streamer, and nothing more. She has no official platform, and no legitimate journalistic integrity to call herself a reporter or a journalist. She's an inciteful BRAT with a following of gullible Yes-men who think that by kissing her ***, they have a chance at her. Her male Followers are just Internet White Knights who suck on her taint in the hopes of getting to breathe in her farts.

This User's Active Decertified Cop Descriptions

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This User's Active Comments About Decertified Cops

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