In response to what really was a victory, will not allow the posting of home addresses until further notice. All home addresses will be replaced with the word "CENSORED!" and a link to this page. The reason is that Judge Marco Hernandez ordered that it be part of my supervision in unrelated matters. I call it a victory because Assistant United States Attorney Greg Nyhus sought to have the website taken down entirely, but the court recognized that the right to criticize government officials strikes the core of the First Amendment.
Preserving the right to expose the truth about the conduct of government employees is more important than where they live, so until further notice will not longer display any address categorized as a home address.
8/27/2019 - This censorship has been relaxed to permit home addresses to be posted in the Snitches and Other categories. Now that I am no longer on supervision in that old case I am no longer banned from posting home addresses, but since the government has not been ******** with me too much lately and just stopped listing my address on their website I have decided to keep the block in place on the other categories for now. I am still on supervision in another case, so I do not want to piss them off too much.
I still however do not trust the government, so those other categories have been programmed to keep the block in place unless the amount of time between the current date and the last time that the account was logged into exceeds 14 days. That way if the government starts treating me differently for worse then this website will treat them worse automatically.
2/24/2023 - I've restored the home address block on all categories in response to the general sentiment in society turning against the practice of posting home addresses online. That sentiment has manifested in ways that have led me to believe that the best way to protect your ability to get your message out is to take away your ability to display a map to the home address of your subject. This has nothing to do with new laws against posting that kind of information directly because those laws are unconstitutional. It has more to do with steps other organizations outside of the government have taken to suppress content containing that information. There was a time when more information amplified your message but today the opposite seems true.