Oregon State Senate Committee on Judiciary Chairman Floyd Prozanski

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Cop Blaster Testimony Against HB 3047:

Oregon State Senator Floyd Prozanski is the chairman of the Committee on Judiciary and Ballot Measure 110 Implementation. On May 20, 2021 he presided over a work session in which the committee approved an unconstitutional internet censorship bill by a vote of 4-3. Prozanski cast one of the yes votes. HB 3047 also known as the Anti-Doxxing Bill aims to create a civil cause of action for people subjected to First Amendment protected activities such as posting their home address online for the purpose of helping non-violent demonstrators protest at locations where they know they will be heard. We previously doxxed every member of the Oregon House of Representatives that voted in favor of the bill and promised to do the same thing to any senator that voted for it. When we doxxed the House we explained why this bill is unconstitutional and don't feel the need to repeat ourselves too much, so to read our in depth arguments backed by the latest decisions from federal courts visit our Oregon House or Representative Director of Home Addresses (https://copblaster.com/blast/35518/oregon-house-of-representatives-directory-of-home-addresses).

In addition, Prozanski failed to publicly consider our First Amendment arguments even thought we sent the committee written testimony directing them to federal court decisions striking down similar bills. All the bills recently stuck down by federal courts had more in common than just being strikingly similar to HB 3047. They were also less broad than HB 3047. Despite being more narrowly tailored, every one of the bills cited in the federal court decisions we sent to the committee failed to survive First Amendment challenges on the grounds that they were unconstitutionally overbroad. A law is overbroad when its language covers speech protected by the First Amendment. To learn more check out our testimony which we are uploading as a PDF with this article (see PDF link above the map to Prozanski's home).

The committee also failed to discuss free speech law despite claiming that such discussion was on the agenda. The meeting summary uploaded to the Oregon Legislature website specifically said "free speech case law in Oregon" (https://olis.oregonlegislature.gov/liz/2021R1/Downloads/CommitteeMeetingDocument/243066). At chairman of the committee it was Prozanski's job to make sure that issues they planned to discuss were in fact discussed and to make sure that the legislature's website does not contain false claims such as discussing things that were not discussed. You can watch the discussion about HB 3047 in the video below. At no point does the committee mention free speech as a factor to consider. It is as if they all decided that they do not care about the federal constitution and anyone that wants to make that argument will need to make it in court. We will do just that if anyone tries to use it against us after it is passed.

We do not make empty promises, so to that end we are including the current home address and other information covered by the bill pertaining to Sen. Floyd Frank Prozanski personally. Normally the home addresses of elected officials are displayed on the Oregon Secretary of State website with their filing information, but Prozanski somehow managed to get his address replaced with the phrase "exempt from public disclosure" (https://secure.sos.state.or.us/orestar/cfDetail.do?page=search&cfRsn=18825&OWASP_CSRFTOKEN=BYY0-X2DH-QO3E-FZIG-G3EY-IAAW-PO6D-V4ED). We also had trouble finding his address using our usual online background check service because the service we use listed the above address as only being current as of 2003 and listed a post office box as his address since then. However, the City Data website still lists Prozanski as the owner of that property (http://www.city-data.com/lane-county-properties/M/Mcmillan-Street-2.html) and other sites list that as well. If you have a more recent address for him please contact us. All of this information was obtained from public records and we have a First Amendment right to post it as a form of political protest.

The contact information of Prozanski's employer is one of the data types the bill attempts to censor. Everyone knows he works for the government, but his post office box is also listed as the address of a company in his employment history. That company is:


PO BOX 11511

EUGENE, OR 97440

That company also has an address in Florence:


FLORENCE, OR 97439-9492

We also found a possible email address, floydp[at]efn.org.

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