George Zachary Terwilliger Sued Edward snowden and took all of his 5.9 million dollars in profits and not only that but had the ***** to have JUSTIFIED it!
George Zachary terwilliger also harassed chelsea manning for simply not answering questions as she has the RIGHT to do given by the fifth ammendment.
He believes that governments should surveil their citizens and said that the paris bombing could've been prevented if the government were to surveil their citizens more.
Has 920 GB of Child Pornography on his laptop (ADMITTED TO IT ON CAMERA)
His current employers are Vinson and Elkins LLP
His last known addresses were:
2717 Sycamore St, Alexandria, Virginia 22305
714 Potomac St, Alexandria, VA 22314
His work Phone:
His wifes last known personal number was:
(757) 812-2810
His last known personal number was:
(703) 472-3461