Wahoo Police Lt. Sean Vilmont Arrested for Molesting Preteen Girl

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Wahoo Police Lieutenant Sean Vilmont was arrested last week for sexually assaulting an 11 or 12 year old girl at least twice and taking pictures of her intimate areas. He has been placed on paid administrative leave pending the outcome of the case and an internal investigation.

Vilmont faces a maximum of eight years in state prison if convicted of all three felony charges he currently faces. Two of those charges are third degree sexual assault of a child. Under Nebraska law someone commits the crime of third degree sexual assault of a child "if the actor does not cause serious personal injury to the victim" (https://nebraskalegislature.gov/laws/statutes.php?statute=28-320.01). Based on the statute one can conclude that Vilmont molested the girl, but exercised enough restraint not to put her in the hospital. He then took a picture to remember her by for which he is charged with unlawful intrusion. Under Nebraska law "intrude means the viewing or recording, either by video, audio, or other electronic means, of a person in a state of undress" in place of solitude (https://law.justia.com/codes/nebraska/2006/s28index/s2803011008.html).

According to pubic records, Sean Michael Vilmont is a 51 year old resident of Fremont, Nebraska. His last known home address is 1535 West 10th Street. We are making that address available to help protect children by making them and their parents aware that an accused child molester might be living there. Please do not use that address for any unlawful activity. He is also a registered Libertarian with no prior criminal record.

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