Ex-Prosecutor and Slutty Stalker Sally Amanda Marshall

Blast Zone No. 52 - 4 Comments
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Category: Prosecutors - Federal
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OIG Report on Sally Amanda Marshall:

I was pleasantly humored by the news that every court document Sean Hoar signed in furtherance of my persecution was also signed by an actual *****. That ***** is Sally Amanda Marshall, the former U.S. Attorney for the District of Oregon. While locked up in Victorville I got The Oregonian newspaper and found out that Sally was embroiled in a controversy for having or at least attempting to have an inappropriate relationship with a male prosecutor in her office. I heard sometime later that she resigned citing "health reasons" that must have been mental health or maybe a STD, who knows? Could it be sex addiction? Depression from being rejected and humiliated? It is anyone's guess.

Regardless of her reasons anybody that permits the trampling of the First Amendment under their watch is an Enemy of Liberty.

UPDATE: This profile has been updated to include a copy of the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) and a new link to an article discussing the heavily redacted report. The article names Scott Kerin as the AUSA that she was having an affair with. I got my copy of the OIG report at FDC Sheridan so when Greg Nyhus was replaced as the prosecutor in my case by Scott Kerin I already knew who he was. I just found out that he was replaced by a another prosecutor so now I am finally updating this profile. Scott always treated me fairly and respectfully so I did not want to piss him off. One thing I can credit Sally for is that at least she has affairs with men of good character. I kind of see this differently now and feel sorry for Scott. It seems like he realized he made a mistake and when he tried to mitigate the mistake that mistake would not respect his wishes. This is a good example of how inappropriate relationships by women in authority can be just as abusive towards men under their supervision in the workplace because women in authority can use that authority to make that situation just as bad for #himtoo as he could for a woman if the roles were reversed.

Some of this report is pretty funny. Apparently Sally is a bit of a drunk and locked herself out of her hotel room while bar hopping all night in San Francisco. She used the relationship to blackmail Scott by threatening to tell his wife when he wanted to end it. She also used her position to obstruct the investigation, which technically is a crime, but because she works in law enforcement she will not face prosecution. This is just another example of lady justice not wearing a blind fold. "The OIG concluded that Marshall made false statements to [investigators], which is a violation of 18 U.S.C 1001 and the Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch."

We have been sending links to this page to the defendants in the Newberg doxxing lawsuit. Hopefully it helps, if they are reading this comment we recommend they check out our prior coverage in which we explain why HB 3047 is unconstitutional. We hope that they file a motion for declaratory relief in federal court on the ground that the new law in overbroad.

See https://copblaster.com/blast/35518/oregon-house-of-representatives-directory-of-home-addresses

Amanda's husband has been assigned to the first lawsuit filed against someone under the state's new unconstitutional anti-doxxing law. I wonder if his experience being married to Amanda back when her address was not censored on this page might influence how he handled the case. According to public records he still lives at that location.

Yamhill Says:

It seems that Amanda Marshall's husband, Yamhill County Judge Ladd Wiles, might be as corrupt as his wife. Judge Wiles presided over an eviction trial concurrently with the OSB proceedings against his wife. Wiles gave a marijunna bootlegger a free pass for shooting at his landlord's children. Judge Wiles pretended to not understand that marijunna remains illegal under Federal law. Did Judge Wiles rule against the landlord to provide Amanda with an opportunity to salvage her professional and political career by maliciously prosecute them for their tenants' illegal marrijunna grow?

This report has been updated to include the OIG report on Sally Amanda Marshall in which the OIG concluded that she committed a felony by making false statements to investigators. It makes it clear that she abused her position to intimidate Scott Kerin by threatening to cost him his job and his marriage for breaking up with her. This is a good example of what the #himtoo hashtag means.

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