AUSA Donna Maddux Calls Washington More Dangerous Than Prison

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Assistant United States Attorney Donna Maddux called Washington more dangerous than prison when an inmate at FCI Sheridan sought compassionate release due to the Coronavirus. 79 year old Jack Holden argued through counsel that due to his age, medical conditions, and the fact that social distancing is not possible in prison, he should be released a few months early. He did not seek to be free entirely, he agreed to do the rest of his time on house arrest at his daughter's house in Washington, and he would be on supervision after that. Donna Maddux argued that because the State of Washington is an epicenter of the outbreak in the United States that Holden might be at greater risk at his daughter's house than in prison.

Anyone with any common knowledge of infection diseases should know that a crowded living place like a prison is the worst place to be during an outbreak of something like Coronavirus. Especially if you are living in a crowded open dorm like Holden is in. Holden is an inmate at the Federal Prison Camp in Sheridan, which is across the street from the FCI. An open dorm is what it sounds like. It is a bunch of guys living in something resembling a military barracks. Military barracks' were to worst incubators for the influenza of 1918. If one inmate at FPC Sheridan gets COVID-19 the others will be screwed. Especially older inmates with medical problems like Holden.

The fact that the Coronavirus has not hit FPC Sheridan yet is besides the point. It probably will hit Sheridan and when it does it will be too late to release Holden. For that reason his daughter's house in Washington state is a much safer place for him and sending him there would have been a much better way to protect him just in case of a Coronavirus outbreak at Sheridan.

This is the kind of thinker that might become the next District Attorney for Multnomah County. According to several media outlets she has stated her intention to run after Rod Underhill retires.

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