Cop spotting with Cop Blaster is easy. Just take a picture of any cop, prosecutor, judge, snitch, etc. with your smart phone. Login to your account or sign up for one if you have not already, or you can login using social media (Facebook or Twitter). Then click on the Blast a Cop link, fill out the form, and make sure to upload your image. I know there are a lot of fields to fill out on the form, but that is just to make sure we categorize your submissions properly and in a way that makes the data as usable as possible later. The post body only needs 100 characters, that is like seven tenths of a Tweet, so that shouldn't be too hard with a phone. Other than typing a title, location, tags, and image/file names everything else uses a drop down list or radio button list. When you are don click the big red button that says "BLAST 'EM!" and presto, you should be redirected to your work unless you made any mistakes.