Easy to Use Surveillance Camera Available Online in New Jersey

Blast Zone No. 25729 - 0 Comments
Set Up On:
Category: Police - Federal
Current Surveillance Address:
49 Jane Street

Are you looking for an easy to use surveillance camera online? Then we have just the thing for you in Paterson, New Jersey. This state of the art Cannon VB-C60 video surveillance camera allows you to stream live footage online, control the camera remotely, and use password protection so that only you can see what it sees. Password protection is currently disabled for this demo, so just go to and try it for yourself.

This camera is available for free pickup on a first come first serve basis. You can find it at the top of the pictured telephone pole disguised as a fake transformer. We recommend using a ladder and consulting a professional electrician before going up there.

These cameras are used by local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies all over the United States.

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