Former Atlanta Police Officer Ivory Streeter Fired for Assault

Blast Zone No. 25750 - 2 Comments
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Category: Police - City
Last Known Home Address:
Acworth, Georgia *****

Former Atlanta Police Department officer Ivory Streeter was fired this past week for opening the car of a vehicle where a black woman was riding home from a protest and shooting her with a taser repeatedly. Then an officer that may or may not have also been Streeter smashed out the driver's window and tased him repeatedly. The driver was continually tased for several seconds. Prolonged tasing like that has been known to be lethal.

The victims of this attack were attending a George Floyd protest.

For this abominable conduct we are granting Mr. Streeter an exception from our blocking mechanism that normally prevents users from being able to learn the home addresses of police officers by posting his information below:


**** ****** *** **


Also fired was officer Mark Gardner. He will be the subject of his own separate profile. Other officer involved were initially assigned to desk duty.

UPDATE: Ivory Streeter has been charged with aggravated assault for his conduct in this incident. Five other officers are also facing charges. The victims are Messiah Young and Taniyah Pilgrim. We will add detailed profiles on all officers shortly. They will be found at

Due to time going by and a decline in public interest in this case, we have removed the home address from this post. It was posted because at the time we believed it might be useful for peaceful protest organizers, but we don't see people really protesting this specific officer anymore and when we did we are not aware of the organizers actually using this information.

The address listing was only intended to be temporary for the duration of peaceful anti-police brutality protests, and although such protests continue we have determined that some addresses including this one are far less useful at this time.

Ivory Streeter is now suing the Mayor and Police Chief arguing that his use of force was lawful.

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